

Squeak Lights, LLC管理合伙人

“After my positive experience with Fenton Construction I am writing to recommend them for your next project. Throughout the project, I appreciated the level of communication they operated with. I never felt in the dark about anything that was happening and they always went the extra mile to make sure I understood what was happening at the time. 我们在路上遇到任何路障,他们都会迅速处理. 完成的构建质量是惊人的, they really helped me get exactly what my business needed to operate efficiently, 我和我的搭档都很喜欢他们为我们创造的空间. I will use them again in the future and would recommend them strongly to anyone who is considering them.“

肖恩P. Coughlin P.E.


“This is the second successful project Fenton and Moretrench have done together, 当然也不是最后一个. 十大电子游艺平台首选帮助我们安全、准时、按预算完成了我们的商店建筑. 你完成了所有的项目截止日期:从提交开始, 允许绘图, 交付和安装预制金属建筑. Your field supervisors were knowledgeable and coordinated with our shop manager to minimize disruptions to our shop operations. 和任何建筑项目一样, 我们遇到了一些意外的障碍, 十大电子游艺平台首选帮助我们迅速而经济地克服了这些困难. 我很乐意向任何潜在客户推荐十大电子游艺平台首选.”

罗伯特。米. Toedter, PLS, PE, mass

总统 & 首席工程师,RT咨询公司 & 工程师,公司.

“The Fenton Construction Company has demonstrated it is one of the few that incorporates the exceptional quality and attention of the Butler Building organization and of outside subcontractors, 加上无与伦比的施工管理领导力, 交付伟大的项目. 我们推荐十大电子游艺平台首选.公司. 没有资格也没有犹豫.”



“Your firm handled this project with professionalism throughout the entire process. 你的项目主管做得无可挑剔. He stayed in constant contact with my office regarding on-site issues and made coordination streamlined which is an invaluable service. I also commend you for working with Penske’s budgetary constraints and schedule throughout the course of the project to make the facility a success.”

乔纳森·P. 麦芽汁


“在项目开始的时候, Fenton’s expertise in the design/build approach to construction reduced the overall cost of the project and made it possible for the church to even consider building the facility. 一旦开始, you identified many cost saving opportunities for the church throughout the construction process and also offered some significant material upgrades of finishes that produced a spectacularly beautiful facility–all within budget. 就我个人而言, I have worked with many contractors during my 24 years in the construction of major industrial facilities, 十大电子游艺平台首选是其中的佼佼者. 你对细节的关注, ability to resolve problems positively to the satisfaction of all parties concerned (particularly the customer), and unwavering commitment to your word makes Fenton stand out as a high-quality construction company. It was evident throughout the project that you care very much about the safety of people and how valuable and special each person is…Valley View Chapel is extremely pleased with the new facility and appreciates how beautiful it looks, 它运行得如何, 以及它的功能. Thank you, Mike and all your 工作人员, for making this vision of the church a reality.”



“我发现十大电子游艺平台首选的交易很有效率, 很能干的, and sensitive to work in such a way that would not impact our adjacent clean room manufacturing process. 这个项目是按时间表和预算管理的. 此外,与这些商人一起工作很愉快,而且很有礼貌.”



“这是一项从头到尾顺利进行的专业工作. 这项工作按时完成,而且在预算之内. 所用的人力、分包商和设备都非常出色. 十大电子游艺平台首选的工作人员在任何时候都对我们很友好. 我们认为我们对巴特勒大厦的决定是正确的. 谢谢你的出色表现.”



这个项目按时完成了, 在预算范围内,压力最小, which allowed us to remain focused on running our business during the entire process. The greatest testament to the work you performed are the numerous compliments we receive on our building. We are extremely pleased with the outcome and cannot thank you enough for making what was a dream of ours become a reality.”


业主利兰·C. 斯坦福大学,有限责任公司

“To take a vacant piece of the Earth’s crust and transform it into a purposeful environment for humans to work in and interact in is a special talent, 这当然是十大电子游艺平台首选的专长, 事实上. 你们团队的经验和深度的结合使项目变得生动, 这是我多年前设想的. We felt that your team took the reins and did not let go until the very end when the project was complete. Thank you so much for your daily commitment to the details, many of which were unforeseen. 我们一定会把下一个项目委托给十大电子游艺平台首选.”

Ken Karle, AIA, P.E.

主席建筑 & 霍桑福音教堂

“The finished building is continually receiving compliments as to its usefulness, 亮度, 和美丽. 在信任的基础上运行重大建设项目的能力, 友谊, 爱是艰难行业里的一股新鲜空气.”



“I want to commend Fenton for what can only be described as an excellent contractual working relationship. 首先也是最重要的是按时按预算完成项目. Communication with your people in the office or on the job was always professional and cordial. 我们对你执行项目的准确性印象深刻. You were well organized and accommodating to our needs and to issues that arose, 一如既往, 在施工期间. Suffice it to say that our project overseers are extremely happy with the final product.”



“It isn’t often in today’s design-build construction marketplace that schedules are met and financial budgets mastered. 我们很高兴地告诉你,十大电子游艺平台首选建筑有限公司.公司. 完成了这两个非常重要的目标. Everyone involved from the Township officials on down to the school board members, 工作人员, 学生, 家长们对十大电子游艺平台首选所做的工作非常满意.”



“我们认识到,没有你们的忍耐,这座建筑就不会在这里. 非常感谢您为我们所做的一切额外努力. 我们的新教堂真是一个祝福. 它比我们想象的还要宏伟.”

James Wood


“This unique project presented challenging obstacles which Fenton systematically overcame. Fenton did an outstanding job of completing the bulk of the work within a three-month time frame to meet the tight schedule and maintain the necessary opening dates.…I found that Fenton personnel were highly professional, reliable, and thorough. 他们的专业知识和对细节的关注有助于确保高质量的工作完成. A special thanks to your onsite foreman and to you, Mike, for your personal involvement. 和这样一个可靠而诚实的承包商一起工作是一件愉快的事. 我强烈推荐十大电子游艺平台首选.公司. without reservation and look forward to working with them again in the near future. “



“I would like to express my appreciation at the way everybody at Fenton Construction handled the project. The professionalism with which the whole project was managed made it a pleasure to work with your organization.”